How to Reclaim Your Sovereign Power

We are amazing powerhouses…on legs! Our energetic power is a great thing. Our biological power is a great thing. We have these amazing powerful bodies and these amazing energy systems around our powerful bodies. So it’s really important that we maintain our power.

If we’ve lost our power, we need to get it back…as much as we can and as soon as we can.

We are sovereign beings and the way we stand in our sovereignty is to be in our fullest power. If we think about our sovereignty like being the king or queen of our own personal kingdom, we will want to have our body and energy kingdom in order. We want to know where our borders are. Everything needs to be in its rightful place.

If we feel less than powerful, this could be because we have leaked energy, lost energy,  we may have handed over our energy or had our energy stolen a little bit. Although I will qualify this by saying that our energy can never actually be stolen without our consent. We’ll get to that later.


This is one of the most common things that happens. Energy leaks away when we are doing things that go against our deepest inner will. I call these actions ‘soul contradictions’.

Situations that make us feel disempowered, like staying in a bad relationship of any kind, being in a job that compromises our power, or being forced to be nice under duress; for example, people in customer service type jobs that deal with a lot of unhappy, maybe even abusive customers, can create energy cracks.

Over time, this compromise of our inner will and divinity causes problems. No one was created to take crap all the time, that’s just not what the human soul is about.

Energy leakage can show up as exhaustion, undiagnosable illnesses, always feeling just under the weather, tired, lack of motivation and depression. Just a caveat here, energy leakage is not the only cause of these types of issues.

The truth is that the more soul contradictions we have in our lives, the more we may be losing our power drip by drip by drip and not even be aware of it.

Trauma, shock and personal upheavals

These types of events, particularly shock, cause our grounding to uproot (which is the container for our connection to the earth and keeps our energy system anchored and secure), and our entire energy system shoots out and expands too far to try to contain the trauma or shock. This causes two things to happen:

1) we lose energy, and

2) we open up our energy systems to pick up foreign energy that creates congestion and blocks in our energy systems.

Since we are sovereign beings and recalling our power is a natural function of our higher, super-conscious selves, much of our energy is returned and re-anchored, but some of it is almost always lost.

This is especially problematic when the trauma is relived over and over. Each reliving risks losing more energy to that upheaval. Like a rubber band that loses its elasticity, your energy system loses some of its ability to keep recalling that energy back. That lost energy, like a leakage, may end up lost on our past timeline somewhere.

Also if any foreign energy has found its way into our system, it may occupy the space of the energy we lost. Since our energy system can’t use it, it becomes like a parasite to our energy system and may create unpredictable issues as time goes on.

Handing It Over

It’s a scenario like this (which isn’t necessarily a conscious thing), “I believe that you know better for me than I know for myself. So, I am going to give you a great big bunch of my power so you keep me _________ (safe, secure, healthy etc.).”

That is what handing over power looks like.

This type of handing over of power usually involves some other compromise as well. It gives the person that we are handing our power over to the ability to manipulate or abuse us on some level. It is often given to authority figures, which we are seeing a great deal of right now.

If you read nothing else in this post, read this. No one knows what’s better for you than you. If you are standing in your sovereignty with your fullest power, nobody knows what’s good for you except you. Nobody!

 If anyone says they know better for us than we know for ourselves, unless we’re children, that is never true. Ever.


No one can actually steal our power. We have to, on some level, agree to this. When we are negligent with our power – not accepting the responsibility of our sovereignty – and perhaps in a relationship with someone who is a master manipulator, we are leaving ourselves open for energy theft and invasion.

Manipulators put feelers out into our energy field all the time. Have you experienced that? They are relentless. We get tired of warding off their constant invasion of energy and we may get lazy with your boundaries. No judgment.

People like that will invade our space constantly and sometimes we just get tired. That’s when they start to steal bits of energy away. Gaslighting and intense manipulation just wear us down to the point that we actually, on some level, agree to it. “Ok, just take it and go away.”

So, those are the four main ways we can lose power. There are many more.

Because we need our power right now. So much power. We need our sovereign power right now because the paradigm shifts that are going on right now on the planet are forcing us to step up. If we feel the call to step into your power, but don’t know where it all went, what are we going to do?

How do we get our power back? How do we reclaim our fullness of power? This is much of what our health on every level depends on. Our physical body energy and our energy body energy, everything is energy, is all working together. We want to get to a point where we can actually call all of our energy back.

I have created a free Reclaim Your Sovereign Power Audio Recording that is easy to do and will bring our power back in time. It will also help with aura cleansing to clear old, foreign energies.

There are an incredible amount of invasive energies around right now. I think there always are, but when we’re in this shadow, this darkness that we’re passing through, we tend to feel it a lot more in our energy system.

Can we really get our power back even if we gave it to somebody? Yes, we definitely can. With time. we just call it all back. It is ours. Our power is only ours…period. If we give it to someone, they might be able to use it in the sense to manipulate us but they can’t use it for their own power. It’s completely foreign for them. They can’t say, “Well, you give me 50% of your power and I have 150%.”

No, that’s not how it works. It’s not true. They can have 100% of their power and they can have this power that they wield over us or use it to manipulate us, but they cannot use it for their own personal energy system. They can’t absorb it.

This lost, leaked, stolen or given away power just hangs around. Sometimes it recedes so far away that it can be really hard to find.

My Reclaim Your Sovereign Power Audio Recording is designed to call our power back. Please use it to reclaim your power. Once is not enough. You will need to do it many times – probably once or twice a week until you feel all filled up again.

I wish you strength, power and sovereignty.

Be well, be happy and know that you are loved.
