Loving-Kindness in the Chaos of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas Spirit ~ Day Twelve

Hello Friends.

It’s day 12! We did it!

Your divine being, your inner self is the source of loving-kindness within you. It is the place where Christ consciousness resides in all of us.

Therefore it is important to realize that staying in your sovereign state; grounded, centered and aligned, is the best way to access this deep well of loving abundance. It is the state that you can most effectively and fully give and receive love and kindness.

Join me in this brief journey through this simple, yet vast subject and stay to the end when we do a huge love activation to benefit ourselves, our home space and the world around us.

I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy days to join me in this 12-day journey. I sincerely hope that it has given you inspiration, hope and some simple tools to navigate this festive time of year.

Blessings to all and many loving wishes for a joyous year to come. xo

Have you watched Day 11 yet? There’s some great clearing on the issues of receiving and resistance. Go on, you know you want to.