Hello friends, here are some, what I hope to be useful, creative soul self-care tips.
Are you feeding your creative soul?
What are you feeding it?
Your soul is priceless. In my belief, it is the hub between our spirit and our body. It’s an interpreter. It balances. It assimilates. It brings the energy through from spirit to feed our emotional body, which in turn feeds our physical body.
It is such an important part of our entire energetic system. The soul is a juicy, creative hub that inspires, gives ideas, creativity, and wellness. It has so much to do with our health and well-being of mind, body and spirit; a connection that we need to nurture every single day to keep us well on all of these levels.
It’s easy to see how important having a healthy soul and a balanced emotional body is, but let’s see what’s going on with that lately?
- Fear. Depression. These are drying – cold bitter winds for the soul. They dry up the soul and tax its energy until it is exhausted and we are exhausted. Our energy is low, our thoughts tend to be dark and it gets difficult to get out of bed every day. We tend to feel like all hope is lost.
- Chaos. Anxiety. Over dramatization. Too bright lights. False lights. Excessiveness. Too much…just too much of everything. These energies deplete the soul too by burning it up with over stimulation. Over stimulation can cause over-the-top emotions – angry outbursts– crying jags – that are directly outward towards others. We tend to blame others for…everything.
Imbalance. A constant assault of fear and anxiety causes a soul imbalance and it starts to implode. Our soul becomes impotent and worn out. Creativity dries up and we just want to stay in bed or yell at someone or scream because everything is too much to deal with. I have felt this way. Haven’t you?
What to do?
Change your soul’s diet.
Social media, TV and media, in general, is a diet that the soul can’t take indefinitely. Neither is anger, sadness and violence.
It needs peace, calm, creativity, balance and harmony because this is what the soul is. It is our deep sanctuary.
Feeding the soul a steady diet of what it loves, what makes it juicy and alive, is just the thing.
- Creativity is genius. Anything creative will feed your soul. The more outlandish and playful, the better. Be silly. Sing at the top of your lungs. Dance around the house. Play music.
- Draw, create, potter, garden, cook.
- Be in nature. Nature is consistently creative and nurturing. We regenerate in nature. We feel loved in nature. Nature is grounding and centering. It is soul nurturing to the max.
- If you can’t get out in nature, what about a new neighbourhood, park or art gallery. How about just a new perspective?
- Prayer and meditation are great. These support us. They support our soul. They cleanse the unwanted excess energies and clear our energetic space. They soothe the soul, dim the bright lights, and stop the noise in our heads.
- Breathing is such a creative act. Yes, it is! It is the first wonderful thing that we do in this life. There is nothing better for you than breathing well. With every breath, we are not just bringing in oxygen we are bringing in healing prana or chi from the ethers, from the Universe. With every breath we heal ourselves – we heal our souls.
Why does this all matter?
We are in the midst of a massive creative project. We are creating a new world! Every person on this planet has a part to play. That is why we need to step up to our highest creativity right now.
If your soul is completely depleted, you won’t be up for it. We need you. The planet needs you. This is what you came here for.
So, let’s get to it and turn that around. Nurture, nourish and enliven your soul with some of these practices done regularly! R-E-G-U-L-A-R-L-Y…not just once.
Even if you have been diligently feeding your soul, feed it a little bit more! It can’t hurt and I’ll bet it’ll just make your soul that much more alive and awake and juicy!
So, how about taking a break from those things that deplete you. How about nourishing your soul more?
You’ll be able to bring in more information from spirit. We all need this right now. You’ll be able to manage your emotional body better and that will just make you feel so much better all the time.
I wish this for you. Be well, be blessed and know that you are loved.