Silence ~ Salve for the Depleted Soul

12 Days of Christmas ~ Day Nine

Silent Night, Holy Night…that’s how the Christmas carol goes. It’s a beautiful song and it also happens to be true. Silence is holy. Silence is the elixir that heals the soul of its worn-out weariness. As we hustle and bustle around, the ‘noise’ of the world interferes with the calmness of the soul, particularly if we don’t take ‘peace breaks’ to regenerate.

Join me in Day Nine of this series to explore the energy of silence and how it can be a great healer for the weary soul traveller.

Thank you for watching.

Blessings xo

If you’re curious about the dynamic energy of isolation watch Day 8 and if you need some big love activation head over to Day 12.

1 thought on “Silence ~ Salve for the Depleted Soul”

  1. Pingback: Will the Pandemonium Unbalance You? | kasandra manering

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