Sovereign Sustainability/Can You Love It

Ahoy there, loves!

Can you love it? Your body. Can you?

Well, it’s all about the body today, so let’s get at it.

It’s no mistake, my friends, that we did energy, then mind, and now the body.

Why did we do it that way? Read on.

The Trifecta of Life

Since we are energy, and so is our world, it all comes down to that. Pretty simple, right?

However, there are varying energy levels, from the subtle ethers to the gross physical world. We float in and through these levels in our worldly experience, which governs how we fulfill our journey.

So, we started with the most subtle and learned how to harness and use those energies in a simple way. This level is the easiest for us to play with because it’s so light and malleable. It is also the most important and influential because your energy system builds and feeds the mind and body.

Then, we moved on to the mind. We learned how the mind, without the energy of discernment, can cause us harm. Psychosomatic illness is a real thing. But we’ll talk about that later.

In a nutshell, if your energy isn’t aligned, you won’t get your mind under control, and your body will suffer for it. Body – Mind – Spirit. I know it’s such an overused term, so I’ve created my own expression.

Trifecta of Life Equation: Clean, flowing energy >>> clear, balanced mind >>> healthy, integrated body.

Give Your Body Some Good Love

How are you showing your body love? Can you love it? Are you supporting it gently and healthfully? Or are you caught in comparison and criticism?

The truth is that no matter what your body looks like, you are lucky to have it. Moreover, you chose this type of body to experience life through. You did! Therefore, it is absolutely perfect for your life experience. Your body only wants to offer you a vehicle to journey through this life. You are unique and beautiful and one-of-a-kind.

Our bodies work hard 24/7 to keep us alive and breathing. When we think bad thoughts about it, we impair its wellness and alter its ability to function properly.

We’ve all heard of psychosomatic illness. That is when the energy and the mind create illness in the body, often with no physical cause. These can be serious, life-threatening illnesses, not just an occasional headache.

While I couldn’t find any concrete stats, it’s estimated that one-third of all people, especially women, suffer from it at some time in their lives. What do you think of that? It sheds some light on our power to create, doesn’t it? Even if it’s not positive creating.

Body Communication is a Sovereign Act

Understanding and accepting the divinity of our body vessels is an important aspect of sovereignty. However, learning to listen to your body is truly integrated rulership.

Using our inner ears, the one that connects all facets of our beings is how we know what the body needs. Opening the bio-energetic lines of communication that aren’t overridden by the mind is how we know what is right for us. From eating to exercise to medicines, we can know what’s right for us every day in every way. Thus, supporting our bodies in this way invites optimal health into our lives. It aligns all of our energies for our highest good. Subsequently, our lives are richer and more enjoyable because we feel better.

If you have felt bad or been sick, you know that feeling good is everything. It is a gift. And there are so many ways to impact our ability to feel good. But it all starts with energy – getting our energy ducks in a row.

It’s a trickle-down effect, with the body being the bucket. Consequently, it catches every thought, emotion and energy and builds itself from that. So, like anything else you build, you want to start with the best materials.

A Sustainable Body

Now that we’ve covered the basics of sovereignty (there’s so much more) let’s talk about how to sustain that.

Aside from aligning our energy and keeping our minds in check, we also need to support our body vessels. Just like looking after a car, bodies need regular maintenance and good fuel. Let’s take a look.

Regular Maintenance & Fuel

  • Good food – I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to eat well. However, consider nutrient-dense foods, pay attention to your digestion, integrate food combining practices, chew more thoroughly, consider the vitamin and mineral content of foods, look at organic food vs conventional….and so on.
  • Movement/Exercise – Just get up and move around! Dance when you cook. Have a regular walk. Do cardio or yoga or whatever you like. Just shake that booty around.
  • Meditation – Do some deep inner work every day. Even if you don’t get to nirvana, keep at it. Find a meditation practice you enjoy and just do it.
  • Energy Work – Run your energy every day. Keeping it moving stops blockages and congestion. If you don’t have much time, just do one thing…every day.
  • Breathing – Breathing is important. It keeps us alive. But proper breathing, full body breathing into your belly and your back will keep you energized and oxygenated like nothing else. Plus, it’s relaxing. Plus plus, it’s detoxifying. It brings all the gunk out of the bottoms of your lungs so you can breathe or cough it out.
  • Release – This might seem like a funny one, but seriously folks, don’t suppress your body functions. Fart, burp, cough, sneeze and laugh. Let stuff out. It may not be polite, but holding stuff in deranges your body functions. Hold in farts long enough and you’ll have problems pooping. That’s just the way it is.

Can you love your body? Your body can heal so much better when it feels your love coursing through it. Give it good thoughts and entertain good ideas when it comes to wellness. Encourage your body to heal. Be kind and gentle, then watch your body blossom.

Common Sense Rules

Also, try not to pathologize yourself. Avoid looking up every symptom online. I’m not saying ignore medical signals, but I am saying that you don’t need to look up every teeny issue you have going on.

Most things pass in a day or two. Don’t feed your body suggestions of illness. Use your common sense. Your body is very accommodating. It responds to your suggestions, and you may not like what it does with them.

Sovereignty ~ Protect Your Kingdom

Ok, now for more sovereign stuff.

Our bodies, minds and spirits are our kingdoms. We rule over them, and therefore we make them what they are. In other words, we make ourselves what we are. Maintaining strong boundaries, keeping our energies clear, and staying present in a clear, grounded state are sovereign acts.

Be aware. Stay in the now. We cannot live our lives in the past or future. The past is done; let it go. The future is being created at this moment, so create…here…now. Watch the video for more thoughts on this.

Who Do You Love?

Also, it isn’t only how we conduct our lives within the confines of our homes but who we share our lives with. In big and little ways, we come into contact with hundreds, maybe thousands, of people in our lifetimes. This blog is already long enough, so I’ll just say try to cultivate healthy, loving, supportive relationships.

Moreover, steer clear of energy suckers and people who use you. They invade your space. Anyone who doesn’t appreciate you for who you are doesn’t deserve your time. Hold fast to your boundaries. Also, if you need guidance or clearing assistance in this arena, I’d be happy to help. Deranged or lacking boundaries can be tough to rectify on your own.

Remember, you are the queen or king of your kingdom. Keep it strong, fortified and healthy. Mostly, though, keep it as a bastion of love and kindness.

Also, at the end of this series, I will launch my Sovereign Sustainability 3-Workshop series. We’ll do a deep dive into all of these topics, and I’ll introduce many more to build a rock-solid Sovereign Sustainability lifestyle that will empower you to be your most amazing YOU!

These aren’t just energy practices; I’ll be sharing lots of my practical, off-grid sustainability practices to get you grooving in your sovereign power.

If you’re interested in the workshop series, be sure to subscribe, and I’ll keep you posted on the launch date. Or drop me a line, and I’ll e-mail you when it’s all good to go!

Blessings to you xo