I have something very special to share with you! Come on, let’s go!
I think you’ll love this video!
You have to watch it. Really! It’s a little glimpse into the unusual lifestyle I call home. I really put a lot into it. Not only that, but it is the first of several videos where I will be sharing energy secrets that can make a huge difference in your life. Plus, they are so easy to do. So, you really want to watch it.
Ok, so you probably know that sovereignty is very important to me. What you might not know is that sustainability is too. I’ve lived much of my adult life off-grid or in areas where resources, like water, were pretty precious. In my humble opinion, these are two of the most important things we can embrace in these chaotic times.
The Power Equation
In fact, I created a little equation for you (and me). This sums up the relationship perfectly – sovereignty + sustainability = power. I see it as a kind of mantra or personal power statement. What do you think? It’s so true, right?
Throughout this series that we’ll be watching together (and listening – I’ve made some audios), I’ll keep bringing us back to this power statement. It is everything. I know it’s cliche, but energy really is everything. If we can be more aware, more insightful and more active in the energies of our daily lives, we can change the world. I’m not kidding.
Let’s go on an adventure – together!
So, get cozy and join me in my world for a brand new Sovereign Sustainability adventure!
Also, at the end of this series, I will be launching my Sovereign Sustainability 3-Workshop series. We’ll do a deep dive into all of these topics and many more to build a rock-solid Sovereign Sustainability lifestyle that will empower you to be your most amazing YOU!
If you’re interested in the workshop series, be sure to subscribe and I’ll keep you posted on the launch date. Or drop me a line and I’ll e-mail you when it’s all good to go!
Blessings to you xo