Sovereign Sustainability/Is This Weird?

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Ahoy there, Loves!

Here’s our final practice. It’s a weird one, but a good one if you can master it. Also, when you use it, you are uplifting the planet. Good one, right?

But before we get into this final tool too much, let’s talk a little bit about who we are…really. It’ll make sense later. I promise.

We Are Omnipotent and Loved

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Did you know that the Divine resides in you? Moreover, that love flows through your entire being if you let it? We are all filled with the love of the Divine. We are all-powerful.

Also, consider that you chose to be here in this exact situation that you’re in. Plus, you thought this was all a good idea. What do you think of that? Do you believe it?

I know, I know. That was a lot to throw at you. Sorry. However, the truth is that we’re all here at our own bidding. We are that powerful. Therefore, until we can reconcile that to ourselves, we aren’t standing in our full sovereignty. I didn’t make this up, by the way. That’s just the way it is.

Now that I’ve possibly bummed you out, maybe I can help to lift you up.

Can You Be Amused?

Since we all know that laughter is the best medicine, our next tool is amusement. Amusement can raise your vibration faster than almost anything. It can pull you out of anger and apathy, smoothing the path up to joy.

Amusement can be found in many ways. Jokes. Funny TV shows. Physical Comedy. These are all great and they can get you into a state of amusement. Personally, I like irony. The world is overflowing with it at the moment.

Amusement doesn’t have to be a great big laugh or side-splitting hilarity, by the way. It can be dark humour. Or it can be a revelation – an AHA moment of energy opening. We are talking about a pretty broad spectrum here. Because we’re all unique!

Stepping Up From Anger

I think we all understand being angry. Amusement is one step up from anger. Just one. Unfortunately for many of us, it’s one hell of a big step. That doesn’t matter though. I know you can do it. So, I’ve made a little audio practice down below to help you step up and out. In the end, you’ll find getting into amusement easier and easier.

No matter where you’re at – sad, fearful, angry, or happy, cultivate this practice to help you when the tough times come. Watch the video where I give you some examples of how to find amusement in this crazy world. Once you master this, it will change your world.

Amusement Boost Audio

Because I love you, I made a little audio. This isn’t so much a practice as some suggestions. There are more ideas on the video too! Sorry for the background noise. I had to find amusement in that every time I recorded a boat went by and the wind came up! Enjoy!

Upcoming Workshop!

Also, at the end of this series, I will be launching my Sovereign Sustainability 3-Workshop series. We’ll do a deep dive into all of these topics and I’ll introduce many more to build a rock-solid Sovereign Sustainability lifestyle that will empower you to be your most amazing YOU!

These aren’t just energy practices, I’ll be sharing lots of my practical, off-grid sustainability practices to get you grooving in your sovereign power.

If you’re interested in the workshop series, be sure to subscribe and I’ll keep you posted on the launch date. Or drop me a line and I’ll e-mail you when it’s all good to go!

Blessings to you xo