Sovereign Sustainability/This Way Up

Ahoy there, Loves!

We’re ready to draw all the threads together now. As a result of all of the simple tools we learned in Part One to Part Five we’re ready for our simply beautiful daily practice. Alas, this is what sovereignty is all about. We’re bringing the tools and knowledge together in a sustainable way.

There’s just one more thing we need…

Energy Detox a.k.a. Meditation

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Everyone loves a good detox. I mean, even if they don’t like it, they value it. Right? You may have guessed by now that I am leading you down the garden path to meditation. Or is it up? Why? Because meditation is basically an energy detox.

While energy tools are fantastic to get to the most centred, grounded and aligned place you can be, meditation moves mountains. It clears up the guck and it cleans it out of every part of us.

When we’re utilizing our energy tools we are still, for the most part, in 3D. Meditation pulls us up and out of that. It’s not like prayer or contemplation or any of those practices. It is uniquely uplifting…when you get it right.

Uniquely You


Meditation is as unique as you are. Therefore, it may take a while for you to find the right fit. I know it took me a while. This meditation is very simple to learn and I taught it in all of my Ayurvedic programs. Moreover, it’s short and you can build on it.

I like this meditation too. It’s called So Hum (or Ham) meditation. It’s very soothing and enjoyable. I learned it years ago from this dear man and I never forgot it. He sang most of his teachings. Isn’t that beautiful?

Anyway, try these out and/or find another one you like best. You’ll know when you find it. It’ll just feel right. Remember to use the tools to set you up for a super successful meditation practice.

Whatever and however you meditate, do it daily. Like anything else, our energy tools and meditation take consistency and practice. Unlike anything else, they are the path to mastery. They are the path to our deep personal growth and ascension. That’s worth the daily discipline, don’t you think?

You’ve got this. I know you can do it.

Also, at the end of this series, I will be launching my Sovereign Sustainability 3-Workshop series. We’ll do a deep dive into all of these topics and I’ll introduce many more to build a rock-solid Sovereign Sustainability lifestyle that will empower you to be your most amazing YOU!

These aren’t just energy practices, I’ll be sharing lots of my practical, off-grid sustainability practices to get you grooving in your sovereign power.

If you’re interested in the workshop series, be sure to subscribe and I’ll keep you posted on the launch date. Or drop me a line and I’ll e-mail you when it’s all good to go!

Blessings to you xo