The Conundrum of Receiving and Resistance

12 Days of Christmas Spirit – Day Eleven

Hello Friends,

Do you ever feel like no matter how much you pray or ask to receive that special something or someone it never happens?

Do you feel like the law of attraction is a lie?

Then you may be bumping up against resistance.

Join me as we journey through the tricky energy of resistance to understand our ability to fully receive. Let’s see how some awareness through the holiday season might just help all of us make a big breakthrough in our flow of receiving the good in life.

Blessings xo

Come on back for Day 12 and together we’ll do a love activation from the heart. Have you seen Day 7 yet? It’s all about emotional habits. Head on over.

1 thought on “The Conundrum of Receiving and Resistance”

  1. Pingback: Loving-Kindness in the Chaos of Christmas | kasandra manering

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