What will you accomplish with your next 40 years?

I have a dream.

I see strong women taking their rightful places as honoured matriarchs of our tribes, coming out of the shadows and leading us into this new era. It’s so exciting.

I see us, experienced, mature ladies, who have so much to offer, stepping into our power and leading….mentoring. We have seen so much of life and now it is our duty to mentor our younger sisters all over the globe. We want powerful women rising up everywhere.

Where are you at now?

Are you craving connection? Do you use dating sites? Is social media eating up hours of your day? Scrolling, scrolling. Getting angry maybe. Comparing. Are you getting anything out of that?

Do you feel like you have nothing more to give? You’ve done your life or your children or job or partner are gone? You’re exhausted? Burnt out? Maybe, like me, you just don’t fit in anywhere anymore?

Or do you feel invisible? The ‘bloom is off the rose’ and you slowly drift into the shadows. Not true. The best, most powerful part of the rose is the hip and it only appears when the soft petals have fallen. It is solid, packed with nutrition and holds the precious seeds of ancient knowledge. That is you.

You want to be seen and heard.

That’s completely understandable. You want connection. Of course you do. It’s time for a new start. Yes, it is. There is a whole world out there waiting for you.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a tribe of like-minded people to connect with?

Tribal culture is all-inclusive, holistic and centred in the heart. I think that online tribes are how we will move forward in this digital age. The digital world needs a new model and that is heart-centred internet.

Heart-centred communities are the answer.

Our heart-centred online communities will support each other with knowledge, compassion, education, counsel and caring. Wouldn’t it just be fun to meet new, like-minded people and have new ideas coming to you… and sharing yours? You can create that.

Our challenges of the past year or two have taught us that we will always find a way to come together. Ladies, we can hold each other up and move forward together, strong and supported.

Step into your power and create your online presence.

As you step into your power, you mentor by sharing your life experience online, which is bigger than you realize. Overcome your self-consciousness and fear of technology and step up. It’s a brave, new world out there and we are needed. Let’s get out there into a world that desperately needs us.

So, what will you do with your next 40 years?

The best, most powerful part of you is now. Here. Now. You. Yes!

Start sharing. Get going. Get learning. I believe in you. You are not invisible. This is your time. I love you.